Migration to Yandex Pay 2.0

This section describes plans for migrating from the previous versions to the new Yandex Pay version (2.0+).

Migration plan for the com.yandex.pay:pay library

Step 1. Update the dependency in the build.gradle files and sync your project

dependencies {
    implementation "com.yandex.pay:pay"

Step 2. Check the library for compatibility

If your minSdkVersion is 23 or lower, see info about support for lower device versions.

Step 3. Use YPay instead of YaPay to get a payment session

Use the new object along with the YPay.getYandexPaymentSession() function instead of the deprecated YaPay.getPaymentSession() one.


When using this function in Java, you need to pass one more additional sessionKey parameter.

The parameter is optional for Kotlin.

Step 4. Replace the outdated contract with a new launcher

Use the new YPayLauncher instead of contract registration.

val launcher = registerForActivityResult(YPayContract()){
    //do something
val launcher = YPayLauncher(this){
    //do something
ActivityResultLauncher<YPayContractParams> launcher = registerForActivityResult(YPayContract()){
    //do something
YPayLauncher launcher = new YPayLauncher(this){
    //do something

Step 5. Update the onClickListener for your button

If you use the Yandex Pay button, you need to update the click listener by passing the previously updated YPayLauncher to it.

yPayButton.setOnClickListener(YPayButton.OnClickListener {
    // do something
    // do something
yPayButton.setOnClickListener(() -> {
    // do something
yPayButton.setOnClickListener(launcher, yPayButtonLauncher -> {
    // call yPayButtonLauncher.launch() for launch service

Now, you can launch the service with yPayButtonLauncher.

Step 6. Update the data for the contract

In version 2.0, the contract input parameters have been updated. You can now use different payment methods. For details, see Getting started.

Select a convenient payment method and update the input parameters:

val paymentData = PaymentData(...)

val pspLikePaymentData = PaymentData.PaymentUrlFlowData(...)
PaymentData paymentData = new PaymentData(...)

PaymentData pspLikePaymentData = new PaymentData.PaymentUrlFlowData(...)

Step 7. Launch the service

Depending on the payment method and launch format you selected, run the launcher by following the instructions.

Step 8. Handle the service operation results