How redirects work

Starting with new mobile SDK versions (2.3.0-alpha01 for Android and 1.6.x for iOS), a new workflow is used. It is based on redirects to external Yandex apps that support the mobile Yandex Pay.


This workflow is relevant for online store integration.

How it works


It is not allowed to integrate Yandex Pay in WebView, when enabling it in mobile apps. This is not safe.


  1. The user taps Pay and runs the mobile Yandex Pay SDK.
  2. The SDK receives a payment link and selects the optimal strategy.
  3. If the user has the most recent versions of Yandex apps that support internal Yandex Pay integration, the SDK runs the mobile Native SDK.
  4. If the user has no Yandex apps installed, the SDK selects a strategy via the Chrome tab for Android, or Safari View Controller, or browser and launches the Web SDK order payment form.
  5. The user makes a payment based on the selected strategy.
  6. Next, the user returns to the store app and gets the payment result.
  7. The store app receives the final results of SDK operation.