Passing discount coupons to Yandex Pay
In certain scenarios, the user first applies discount coupons on the site and then places the order. When placing an order through Yandex Pay, there is an option to pass the previously applied discount coupons to the form so that the user doesn't lose the discount.
Passing discount coupons
Add the
block with the list of applied coupons to the PaymentData
Then this list will be passed when calling /order/render
, and in response, you'll pass the cart with the applicable discounts.
const paymentData = {
// ... other parameters
cart: {
// ... cart parameters
// coupons applied by the user
coupons: [
{ value: '<COUPON_VALUE>' },
function onYaPayLoad() {
const YaPay = window.YaPay;
// Payment details
const paymentData = {
// For debugging, you need to explicitly specify the `SANDBOX` environment.
// For the production environment, you can omit this parameter or specify `PRODUCTION`.
env: YaPay.PaymentEnv.Sandbox,
// Version 2 points at paying via Yandex Pay
// The user pays in the Yandex Pay form,
// and only the result of the payment transfer is returned to the merchant
version: 3,
// Code of the currency in which you are going to accept payments
currencyCode: YaPay.CurrencyCode.Rub,
// Merchant ID received on registration in Yandex Pay
merchantId: '<YOUR_MERCHANT_ID>',
// Paid order ID
// If it's available, the payment form is shown
// rather than the checkout form
orderId: 'order-id',
// Details of the customer's cart (optional)
cart: {
// Items in the cart
items: [
productId: '1',
total: '26990.00',
productId: '3',
// If needed, specify the number of items
quantity: { count: 2 },
// Total for two items is (7990 * 2)
total: '15980.00',
// Arbitrary additional data for the cart (optional)
// After applying encodeURIComponent, the data couldn't be longer than 128 characters
metadata: 'order-metadata',
// Payment success handler
function onPaymentSuccess(event) {
// Order placed successfully
// show the order success screen to the user
console.log(`OrderId — ${event.orderId}\nMetadata — ${event.metadata}`);
// Payment error handler
function onPaymentError(event) {
// Show a message that the payment method is unavailable at the moment
// and suggest the user to try another method.
console.log(`Payment error — ${event.reason}`);
// Payment cancellation handler
function onPaymentAbort(event) {
// The user closed the Yandex Pay form.
// Suggest the user to try another payment method.
// Create a payment session
YaPay.createSession(paymentData, {
onSuccess: onPaymentSuccess,
onAbort: onPaymentAbort,
onError: onPaymentError,
.then(function (paymentSession) {
// Show the Yandex Pay button on the page.
paymentSession.mountButton(document.querySelector('#button_container'), {
type: YaPay.ButtonType.Checkout,
theme: YaPay.ButtonTheme.Black,
width: YaPay.ButtonWidth.Auto,
.catch(function (err) {
// Couldn't create a payment session.
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