Yandex Pay Android SDK integration

Yandex Pay Android SDK is a library that enables you to add the Yandex Pay payment button to your app and start accepting payments from users.

Requirements for connecting

Supported version: Android 6.0 Marshmallow and higher.


  1. Get the SHA256 hash value using the keytool utility:

    keytool -list -v -alias <your-key-name> -keystore <path-to-production-keystore>.

    Once you enter the command, the hash value will be shown under Certificate fingerprints: SHA256.

  2. Go to

  3. Click Create app.

  4. Enter the service name.

  5. Select Android as a platform and specify the Android package name (a unique app name – ⁣applicationId) and the hash value in the SHA256 Fingerprints field.

  6. Under Which data do you need?, select Yandex PayPay by Yandex Pay.

  7. Click Create app.

Step 2. Add the SDK

  1. Add the dependency to your build scripts:

    dependencies {
      implementation ''
  2. Specify the resultingYANDEX_CLIENT_ID in the build.gradlebuild script as a value in manifestPlaceholders:

    android {
      defaultConfig {
        manifestPlaceholders = [
          // Use your yandex_client_id
          YANDEX_CLIENT_ID: "12345678901234567890",

Step 3. Initialize the library

Before using YandexPayLib for the first time (and also before you render the Yandex Pay button for the first time) , execute the following code:

if (YandexPayLib.isSupported) {
        context = this,
        config = YandexPayLibConfig(
            merchantDetails = Merchant(
                id = MerchantID.from("bbb9c171-2fab-45e6-b1f8-6212980aa9bb"),
                name = "MERCHANT_NAME",
                url = "",
            environment = YandexPayEnvironment.PROD,
            locale = YandexPayLocale.SYSTEM,
            logging = true

When initializing the SDK, pass to YandexPayLibConfig:

  • merchantData: Data of the Merchant:

    • id: Merchant ID (in the test environment, you can use the test store ID): bbb9c171-2fab-45e6-b1f8-6212980aa9bb).
    • name: The name of the merchant that the user will see.
    • url: The URL of the merchant that the user will see.
  • environment: The Yandex Pay SDK execution environment:

    • PROD: A production environment.
    • SANDBOX: A test environment.
  • locale: Selecting a locale for Yandex Pay SDK:

    • SYSTEM: Based on the system settings: RU or EN.
    • RU: Always RU regardless of system settings.
    • EN: Always EN regardless of system settings.
  • logging: This attribute specifies that the event should be logged.

Step 4. Place the Yandex Pay button on the screen

<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""


When creating a button, you can pass values for the attributes:

  • yandexpay_color_scheme enables you to define the color palette of the button. Acceptable values:

    • by_theme: The color palette is adapted to match the system theme.
    • light: The color palette is always light.
    • dark: The color palette is always dark.
  • yandexpay_corner_radius enables you to define the corner radius for the button (in dp).

When adding the button on the screen (onAttachedToWindow), the button sends a request to update the profile data.

Step 5. Register a contract for Yandex Pay launch

To learn more about this approach, see the documentation.

When registering the contract, add a callback with obtaining the YandexPayResult:

private val yandexPayLauncher = registerForActivityResult(OpenYandexPayContract()) { result ->
        when (result) {
            is YandexPayResult.Success -> showToast("token: ${result.paymentToken}")
            is YandexPayResult.Failure -> when (result) {
                is YandexPayResult.Failure.Validation -> showToast("failure: ${result.details}")
                is YandexPayResult.Failure.Internal -> showToast("failure: ${result.message}")
            is YandexPayResult.Cancelled -> showToast("cancelled")

Step 6. Set up the button handler

val button = findViewById(
button.setOnClickListener { ->

  // Order details
  val orderDetails = OrderDetails(
      // Order ID
      // Total price
      // Order label (for the user)
      "ORDER 1",
      // Order items. You can pass an empty list.
      // If you pass at least one item, the total will be validated
          // Item name
          label = "item1",
          // Item price
          amount = Amount.from("50000.00"),
          // Item type
          type = OrderItemType.Pickup,
          // Data on quantity of the item
          quantity = OrderItemQuantity(1),
          label = "item2",
          amount = Amount.from("100000.00"),
          type = OrderItemType.Shipping,
          quantity = OrderItemQuantity(1)
    // List of available payment methods in your PSP
        // What the payment token will include: encrypted bank card data
        // or a tokenized card
        // Payment method
        // ID of the payment service provider
        // List of supported payment systems
        listOf(CardNetwork.Visa, CardNetwork.MasterCard, CardNetwork.MIR),
        // ID of the merchant in the payment service provider system

  // Launch the service using the launcher, passing the orderDetails generated


Step 7. Pass the obtained token

Pass YandexPayResult.Success.paymentToken to the payment service provider.