Recurring payments Yandex Pay

Yandex Pay enables merchants to accept recurring payments.

For this purpose, Yandex Pay provides a payment token that gives an option to make multiple payments for a given amount.

Recurring payments can be mandatory or optional. On a Yandex Pay form, the user is asked to agree to their account being periodically debited by a given amount.

Mandatory consent to a recurring payment

In that case the user will see a message on the form and will need to provide a mandatory consent to recurring payments to the merchant.

paymentData.recurringOptions = {
    type: YaPay.RecurringType.Recurring,
    optional: false,

Optional consent to a recurring payment

In this case, the user will provide a preferable payment option in the form.

In the response, along with the token, you'll get a pointer to the user's consent to recurring payments. The payment token will be either recurring or one-time.

paymentData.recurringOptions = {
    type: YaPay.RecurringType.Recurring,
    optional: true,

function onPaymentProcess(event) {
    // A pointer to the user's consent to recurring payments
    // The payment token type: recurring or regular
    alert(`Recurring payment approve — ${event.recurringInfo.recurring}`);


let activeSession;

function onYaPayLoad(type, optional) {
    const YaPay = window.YaPay;

    if (activeSession) {
        activeSession = null;

    // Payment details
    const paymentData = {
        env: YaPay.PaymentEnv.Sandbox,
        version: 2,
        countryCode: YaPay.CountryCode.Ru,
        currencyCode: YaPay.CurrencyCode.Rub,
        merchant: {
            id: '<YOUR_MERCHANT_ID>',
            name: 'test-merchant-name',
            url: '',
        order: {
            id: 'order-id',
            total: { amount: '43980.00' },
            items: [
                { label: 'Yandex Station, black', amount: '26990.00' },
                { label: 'Yandex Station 2, antracite', amount: '16990.00' },
        paymentMethods: [
                type: YaPay.PaymentMethodType.Card,
                gateway: 'test-gateway',
                gatewayMerchantId: 'test-gateway-merchant-id',
                allowedAuthMethods: [YaPay.AllowedAuthMethod.PanOnly],
                allowedCardNetworks: [

    // Specify a recurring payment
    if (type === 'RECURRING') {
        paymentData.recurringOptions = {
            type: YaPay.RecurringType.Recurring,
            optional: optional,

    // Handler to obtain a payment token
    function onPaymentProcess(event) {
        // A pointer to user consent to recurring payments
        // And, accordingly, the type of the payment token: recurring or one-time
        console.log(`Recurring payment approve — ${event.recurringInfo.recurring}`);

    // Payment error handler
    function onPaymentError(event) {
        console.log(`Payment error — ${event.reason}`);

    // Payment cancellation handler
    function onPaymentAbort(event) {}

    // Create a payment session
    YaPay.createSession(paymentData, {
        onProcess: onPaymentProcess,
        onAbort: onPaymentAbort,
        onError: onPaymentError,
        .then(function (paymentSession) {
            activeSession = paymentSession;

            paymentSession.mountButton(document.querySelector('#button_container'), {
                type: YaPay.ButtonType.Pay,
                theme: YaPay.ButtonTheme.Black,
                width: YaPay.ButtonWidth.Auto,
        .catch(function (err) {
            // Couldn't create a payment session. 